CITS5501 Software Testing and Quality Assurance Semester 1, 2022 Workshop 9 (week 10) – Formal methods – solutions


It is strongly suggested you complete the recommended readings for weeks 1-9 before attempting this lab/workshop.

A. Applicability of formal methods

Discuss the following scenarios. Would you use formal methods for any of the following systems? If so, which systems, and why? Do you think the enterprise developing the system would share your view?

  1. The next version of Confectionery Crush Story, a web– and mobile-app–based puzzle video game your company develops. The game is available for both Android and iOS mobile devices, and the previous version grossed over $US 1 billion in revenue.

  2. Exemplarex, software produced for Windows and MacOS operating systems and licensed to educational institutions. The software semi-automatically invigilates exams set by the institutions: machine-learning techniques are used to analyse audio and video of exam candidates to identify possible academic misconduct.

  3. The online banking website provided by a major Australian bank, EastPac. Over 5 million customers use the website to perform banking transactions on personal or business bank accounts.

  4. A radiation therapy system used to treat cancer patients. The system has two principal components:

The aim of the exercise is just to get you to think about what factors might make formal methods appropriate.

However, some possible answers are:

  1. Probably not, because speed-to-market is more important for the games industry
  2. Possibly; but if the market doesn’t demand formal assurance that the software works as specified, it is probably not worth the effort of doing so. In any case, the end result of a machine-learning technique will be some sort of model used for prediction/classification, and formal methods probably can’t prove that the classifier is “good”.
  3. Possibly lightweight formal methods (e.g. advanced type systems) might be appropriate for use in securing web applications. In general, banks apply sufficient security techniques to bring losses through fraud etc to a tolerable level – the cost of fully verifying systems is typically not worth the return.
  4. Yes, since this is critical software – lives could be endangered if it malfunctions – the use of formal methods may well be appropriate. Any of the methods we have looked at (advanced type systems, formal verification, model-based methods) could be applied.
    [Note that in practice, however, most medical software – even for critical applications – is not, in fact, developed using formal methods.]

B. Introduction to Dafny

Dafny is a “verification-aware” programming language. The compiler for the language incorporates a program verifier – as you write a program, the verifier checks to see whether what you have written can be proved correct, and flags any errors.


You can also compile (as well as run) Dafny programs using Gitpod, which provides you with an online development environment based on Microsoft VS Code.

Visit in your browser. Gitpod will download a Docker image containing the Dafny compiler, and create an online IDE environment (this may take a couple of minutes).

Once it appears, open the “sample.dfy” file in the editor, and an “editor extension” will be installed which tells the editor how to highlight Dafny code and show errors.

(You can ignore any error messages saying the “dafny-lang.ide-cscode extension is not synced” – those are a limitation of the VS Code setup, and can’t easily be got rid of.)

Toward the bottom of the screen is also a “Terminal” tab, which gives you command-line access to the virtual machine in which Microsoft VS Code is running. Typing dafny /help in the terminal will display the compiler online help (warning: it’s very long).

Dafny resources

In case you are interested, the paper introducing Dafny is available here.

Documentation for the language (including detailed tutorials and reference material) is available at:

Dafny assertions

Take a look at the sample source file open in VS Code:

method Main() {
  print "hello, Dafny\n";
  assert 10 < 2;

You should see that the Dafny compiler reports an assertion violation in line 3; the assertion “\(10 < 2\)” is not true.

Now comment out the assertion (using double forward-slashes – “//” – the same as Java.) The code should now compile.

Command line compiler

In the “Terminal” tab, you should be able to invoke the dafny command, which lets you compile code to different targets (such as Java, C# and Go) and run the program.

$ dafny /version

should print the Dafny version and verify the command works.

$ dafny sample.dfy

will verify and compile the sample.dfy – it is actually short for the command:

$ dafny /compile:1 hello.dfy

Either command should produce output like the following:

Dafny program verifier finished with 0 verified, 0 errors
Compiled assembly into sample.dll

By default, Dafny compiles programs into libraries for use on Windows (.dll files). If you list the directory contents, you will see sample.dll, and a file sample.runtimeconfig.json which the compiler creates.

The following command verifies, compiles, and runs you program:

$ dafny /compile:3 sample.dfy

Main method

Change the name of the Main method to Random (or any other name you wish).

Try compiling, verifying and running the program again:

$ dafny /compile:3 sample.dfy

Although the program verifies and compiles properly, it will not execute and produce any output, because the Dafny runtime looks for a Main method to execute. If it does not find one, no warning or error is produced (you might have intended to create a library, rather than a program), but nothing will be executed.

C. Preconditions

Try compiling and running the following code:

method Main() {

method PrintInt(x : int)
  print "the int is: \n";
  print x;

The int -1 should be printed with a message. Now add a precondition to PrintInt, “requires x >= 0”:

method Main() {

method PrintInt(x : int)
  requires x >= 0
  print "the int is: \n";
  print x;

If you try compiling again, you will see that Dafny won’t permit you to call the PrintInt method, unless it can verify all the preconditions hold. Change the int being passed from -1 to 1, and you should see the code now compiles.

Create a new file square.dfy consisting of the following code.

method SquareMe(n:int)
  assert n*n > 0;

and try to verify the program using:

$ dafny square.dfy

It should generate the messages:

square.dfy(3,13): Error: assertion might not hold
Dafny program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error

Even though the assertion is true for almost all values of n, it fails for n == 0, and just one failure is enough to make the assertion false. Dafny requires that assertions be true for all possible inputs.

An assertion which is true, however, is the following – try inserting it instead:

assert n!=0 ==> n*n>0

This reads “n*n is greater than 0, if n does not equal 0”. This assertion is true, so Dafny should allow the program to be verified and compiled.

D. Using Dafny features

The following Dafny code is intended to find the position of the largest element of an array. It is only guaranteed to produce a result if the array is non-empty, however. We won’t compile this (yet), but look at the following code:

method FindMax(arr: array<int>) returns (r: int)
  var max_val : int := arr[0];
  var max_idx : int := 0;

  var i : int       := 1;

  while (i < arr.Length)
    if arr[i] > max_val
        max_idx := i;
        max_val := arr[i];
    i := i + 1;  
  return max_idx;

At what points in the code might we insert the following, and what Dafny keywords would be used?

See if you can state what the preconditions and postconditions are (in English is fine).


Correct locations would be:

method FindMax(arr: array<int>) returns (r: int)
   requires /* **preconditions go here** */
   ensures /* **postconditions go here** */

  var max_val : int := arr[0];
  var max_idx : int := 0;

  var i : int       := 1;

  /* **assertions could go anywhere in the body** */

  while (i < arr.Length)
    invariant /* **loop invariants go here** */
    if arr[i] > max_val
        max_idx := i;
        max_val := arr[i];
    i := i + 1;  
  return max_idx;

Preconditions (in English):

Postcondition (in English):

Challenge exercise: If you have some experience with formal logic and would like a challenge, try verifying the above code using the online Dafny verifier. You will probably want to work through the online Dafny tutorial first. This will explain how to use the forall keyword, which we have not covered, but which is needed for the challenge.

Sample solution:

Fully verified code:

method FindMax(arr: array<int>) returns (r: int)
   requires arr.Length > 0
   ensures (0 <= r < arr.Length) && 
    (forall k :: 0 <= k < arr.Length ==> arr[r] >= arr[k])

  var max_val : int := arr[0];
  var max_idx : int := 0;

  var i : int       := 1;

  assert i >= 1;
  assert max_idx <= i;

  while (i < arr.Length)
    // probably could get away with fewer loop invariants
    invariant 1 <= i <= arr.Length
    invariant 0 <= max_idx  <= arr.Length
    invariant 0 <= max_idx  <= i
    invariant forall k :: 0 <= k <= i-1 ==> max_val >= arr[k]
    invariant (0 <= max_idx < arr.Length) 
        && (max_val == arr[max_idx]) 
        && (forall k :: 0 <= k <= i-1 ==> arr[max_idx] >= arr[k])
    if arr[i] > max_val
        max_idx := i;
        max_val := arr[i];
    i := i + 1;  
  return max_idx;

E. Writing Dafny methods

The following code does not yet compile:

method Max(a: int, b:int) returns (c: int)
  ensures c >= a
  return 0; 

Write the body of the method Max. It should take two integer parameters and return their maximum. Add appropriate annotations (one is already provided) and make sure your code verifies. Refer to the documentation and tutorials, if necessary.


method Max(a: int, b:int) returns (c: int)
  ensures c >= a
  ensures c >= b
  if (b > a) {
    return b;
  } else {
    return a;

F. Project submission sandbox

A Moodle submission sandbox is available for the CITS5501 project on the CSSE Moodle server. If you haven’t yet attempted any of the project questions, now would be a good opportunity to do so.