CITS5501 lab 3 (week 4) – ISP  – solutions

Consider the Javadoc documentation and signature for the following Java method, which searches inside an array of chars for a particular value.

(Adapted from the Android version of the Java standard library.)

 * Performs a binary search for @code value in the ascending sorted
 * array @code array, in the range specified by fromIndex (inclusive)
 * and toIndex (exclusive).  Searching in an unsorted array has an
 * undefined result. It's also undefined which element is found if there
 * are multiple occurrences of the same element.
 * @param array the sorted array to search.
 * @param startIndex the inclusive start index.
 * @param endIndex the exclusive start index.
 * @param value the element to find.
 * @return the non-negative index of the element, or a negative index
 *         which is <code>-index - 1</code> where the element would be
 *         inserted.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>startIndex > endIndex</code>
 * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if
 *         <code>startIndex < 0 || endIndex > array.length</code>
 * @since 1.6
public static int binarySearch(char[] array, int startIndex, int endIndex, char value)

Based on what you have seen in lectures and the prescribed reading, discuss how you would go about creating tests using Input Space Partitioning.

  1. What steps are involved in doing ISP?
  2. What is the input domain here?
  3. What are some characteristics you could use? Check with a partner (or small group), and make sure each characteristic does give you a partitioning.

Sample solutions:

a. Steps involved are:

  1. Identify functions
  2. Identify parameters
  3. Model the input domain (partitioning it using characteristics)
  4. Choose partitions, and values within them
  5. Refine these into tests
  6. Review

b. input domain

The input domain consists of:

Technically, the input domain consists of a 4-tuple made up of (arrays-of-chars, ints, ints, chars). (We could, if needed, make the sets here a little more mathematically precise, but it’s not needed for our purposes.)

c. Characteristics and partitions:

Some characteristics we could use for our ints are:

  1. Are they less than, greater than, or equal to zero?
  2. Do one (or both) of them represent positions at the start of the array (i.e. are they zero)?
  3. Do one (or both) of them represent positions at the end of the array (i.e. are they array.length - 1)?
  4. Is the first parameter greater than, equal to, or less than the second?
    (this gives us 3 partitions)

Some comments on these:

Characteristic (i) is acceptable, but not a particularly useful characteristic in this case. Ask yourself: is it especially likely that the sorting routine would treat positive and negative values differently? If not, then what is the point of dividing an int up in this way? Recall that the purpose of partitioning is to divide a domain up into equivalence classes – values where any one value is likely to be as good as any other. For a sorting routine, that’s already true of an int – there is little value to be got from splitting it up further (though you might do so for completeness, once other, more useful characteristics have been applied).

In fact, this characteristic is something a machine might come up with (interface-based), as opposed to a person thinking about the intended behaviour of the method.

Characteristic (iii) is a characteristic of two parameters combined (which is fine).

For characteristic (iv) - all of these partitions are sensible, and are worth testing for. When the first parameter is greater than the second, then the method documentation says an IllegalArgumentException should be thrown – so we should test for that and make sure that it is.

(You might ask: why should we write a test just to make sure some exception is thrown? The answer is that this is part of the “contract” of the method, and is important. In practice, software developers do want to know what exceptions a method can throw, and do rely on methods throwing what they say they will.)

Some characteristics we could use for our array are:

Note that a characteristic like “is the array in ascending sorted order?” is not a useful characteristic here. The array must be in ascending sorted order; that’s a precondition of calling the method, and if it’s not true, the behaviour is undefined, so what “expected behaviour” could we possibly test for?

Some characteristics we could use for our char are:

(These are boundary values for the char type.)


2. Stack class

Suppose we have a Stack class that stores ints, with the following method signatures:

Assume the object state consists of an int array.

  1. If we wanted to model push as a function, what sort of function would we use? How about pop?
  2. Identify all the parameters for the pop method, and suggest some characteristics that can be used to partition the input space.

Sample solutions:

a. We would model the push Java method as a mathematical function that maps from “the old state” and an integer, to a new state:

\[ push : ([\mathbb{Z}], \mathbb{Z}) \rightarrow [\mathbb{Z}] \]

(We use \([\mathbb{Z}]\) here to indicate an array of integers.)

If we wanted our mathematical notation to be a little more informative to a reader, we could say:

Basically, the function is treating the method as if it were something more like a static Java method with the signature static [int] push( int oldState[], int i), which takes in a state, and returns a new state.

For pop, we would model it as \(pop : [\mathbb{Z}] \rightarrow (\mathbb{Z}, [\mathbb{Z}])\) – a function that takes in the state of the stack, and returns a result and a new state. That is, it’s as if the method instead of having signature public int pop () had instead a signature something like static Pair<int, [int]> pop().

(See for the Pair type.)

b. Pop has effectively one parameter, the object state.

Some possible characteristics:

Note that it doesn’t make sense to have “nullness” as a characteristic. If the array were null, the object would be in an invalid state, and what “expected behaviour” could we possibly test for?

3. Discussion questions

Discuss the following questions about ISP in pairs or a small group, and come up with answers:

  1. Suppose we need to test some method (let’s suppose it is a static method myMethod that takes one int for the sake of argument, and that it’s sensible to partition it into positive, negative and 0-valued ints. i.e. the signature is static myMethod(int i)).

    Suppose you’ve already written three tests for the function; each of your 3 tests uses a test value from one partition.

    Your supervisor says three tests is not enough, and you should write more. What do you think? Would more tests be better? Could more tests be worse?

  2. Research suggests that the later in the development life cycle a fault is discovered, the more expensive it is to fix. Why do you think this is so?

a. Number of tests

The idea behind partitioning is that we’ve split the domain up into what are called equivalence classes, where any one value from each partition is “as good as any other” (so far as the behaviour of the method is concerned).

If that really is the case, then once we have three tests for myMethod, writing more tests adds nothing of value. In fact, excessive tests could make things worse: more tests means regression tests become slower to run, and we have more code to maintain. Every test you write should “carry its weight” – it should serve some useful purpose, and add more value than it costs to maintain.

So – if these really are equivalence classes, then writing more tests adds nothing of value. But in fact, we know that programmers tend to make mistakes around boundaries, so it’s not quite true that every value from each partition is “as good as” any other.

We could add in tests that use -1 and 1 as test values (or maybe even the maximum and minimum values of an int), and still have tests that “carry their weight”.

b. Costs of fixing defects

The main reason is that the compnent which contains the fault becomes a more and more integral part of the system, and affects more components – the fault has become “built in” to the documentation, larger components, other tests, etc.

This means that fixing the fault is (a) likely to take more effort, because we have to consider all the other components/documentation/tests that it affects, and (b) can have unexpected consequences – our components may interact in complex ways.